BA fashion and marketing student Gracie Wales Bonner won the L' Oreal First prize for her Menswear collection. I loved her masculine Urban Dandies dressed in Chanel and bling - it worked !
Fiona O Neill, 3rd prize L'Oreal winner, chosen for her unusual take on cut out canvas dress Art.
Winner of the L' Oreal 2nd fashion prize Ashley Kang - A cleverly conceived Urban Princess collection created of customised reinvented and innovative tailoring twists.
Fiona O Neill, 3rd prize L'Oreal winner, chosen for her unusual take on cut out canvas dress Art.
Gracie Wales Bonner's first prize collection reflected the general trend in this BA fashion show of pushing the gender bending cross dressing wardrobe swop between the sexes even further, men in bling accessories, embellished and jewell encrusted silk frocks swishing full circle skirted frocks it was all there. CSM spawns the designers of tomorrow - idea generators and reflector of what youth wants and feels was on show tonight. We should all take note. The CSM Dean paid tribute to Louise Wilson at the end of the show before prize giving and quoted her saying ' Students can be a real pain but it is always a privilege to be amongst youth ' !