Tuesday, 2 June 2020

# Homehub - Lockdown Musings - Project Phoenix

Our lives are on hold at the moment. We are coming to the end of the Easter break in Lockdown. As top of the food chain human beings want to make sense of what is happening. Are we victims of our own success or are we victims of our tendency to only look forward and not back. What is it we can learn from the past ?
there is no point talking about why we are in this position - we all know why and there is no point repeating what has been written about and talked about for weeks. 
Instead talking about the future has become a collective obsession in these quarantined #homehub days.

The Future is not ours to see, it for us to create. We can create it in our dreams and aspirations. We can look at data and analyse outcomes based on past economic crises. 
We can postulate about what we would like to see happen and we can also predict what is most likely to happen. The two things are very different.
The over riding influence on what actually will happen is based on market forces and consumer demand.

Our world before lockdown was metaphorically spinning on it's axis like an out of control spinning top, over heating, shedding valuable assets in a relentless journey of self destruction. The momentum made it impossible for any one government or country to stop it or slow it down.
A mighty manufacturing machine fuelled this velocity. Cheap goods for all. Fast fashion, fast lifestyles, fast food, fast politics, fast travel.

I have been asking myself how will the global economic lockdown affect fashion education. It is an area I have been involved with for 20 years.
Online teaching will dominate and blended courses based on a restructure curriculum in arts education will be the future I hope. Recognising the student as customer and catering to their collective needs most effectively is a good start. Online courses will become the norm, if adapted to work in a emotionally intelligent visually literate format, approachable, hollistic and totally inclusive we will continue to have a successful Arts Education offering. Blending academic formats online and onsite with allowance for (when safe and possible) physical social events for networking and creating bonds for both the work, rest and play needs of students ( and tutors)  will be key to a successful morph and rebirth of our arts universities. Project Phoenix a good name!

Lockdown style is all about comfort: Homehub working - looking towards next year 2021

Sweat pants sales I am will do well, we will be looking for multi functional garments and above 'key board' dressing as more companies allow #home working. Joggers will become the must have garment, based on their versatility and comfort. Luxury leisurewear, for home centric lives, tactile fabrics, soft and comforting ( cashmere wool, brushed cotton), loose waistbands, easy slouch fitting, the must have styling for work rest and play. The winners will be those that tune into consumer aspirations for low environmental impact textiles, wellness promoting fibres, Cellulosic, responsible cotton, the use of non toxic dyes for example.
What will truly matter in the future will be the content of any fashion practice and its values. The most relevant designers today are the ones whose practice is underlined by strong sustainable values and inclusive intentions — Slow fashion recycling, choosing well, buying less, home sewing will continue to grow as a movement post lockdown.
who cares wins.

copy - © schelay McCarter