Tuesday 4 December 2018

Kering withdrawing from Yoox Net a Porter by 2020

The Kering Group will be further developing it's own e commerce trading platform independence globally. With an particular interest in growing their presence in the lucrative and fast growing Asian market by 2020 e commerce is seen as the most investable avenue to explore.
This will spell the end of a seven year trading relationship with Yoox Net a Porter who pioneered luxury e commence trading for the fashion industry and works with luxury brands to develop their websites. As well as improving it's online offering Kering plans to open 250 new stores globally in 2019/20. 
Kering with equally influential LVMH are top of the fashion food chain, their PR and advertising spend showcases the talent they employ, continually renewing, collaborating, and leading trends, the rest of the fashion industry follow. 

Copy Schelay McCarter