Monday 4 March 2024

- Another Magazine fashion story SS24 BY Angelina Zhang

Angela Zhang produced this well communicated fashion shoot idea for Another magazine - 

I hope that she will convert her dream team concept and put theory into practice by pulling together a test shoot team and making her vision a sartorial reality.

Aim to be the originator not the imitator.

Sartorial vision is the most important thing for a fashion art director to consider. Having a muse can help. Zeitgeist references also help. 

Aim -  seduce the consumer in to wanting to be that person in the photo shoot/film of social media image. 

How clothes are worn is fundamental to style - Lifestyle is part of this, style is personal, style is timeless, we watch each other - aspiration is linked to ambition a basic human need to belong and be relevant.

Imitation is the highest form of flattery.  

Copy - Schelay McCarter