Spider plant art!

this door was being repainted on the Cathedral but looks like modern art!

An old fisherman's cottage door check out the boat tile below - wonderful isn't it?

the ladies' hand door knocker was a common design on st tropez doors clearly there is an historic reason for this - i will have to find out...
this exquisite oak door was found again in the centre of St Tropez medieval probably ....

art on the Quay side

silver sparkling in the sun on market day....

clearing up the stalls .....

fashion plates found in the art market and antiques area of the market

art in the market

more antiques, lot of deco...

it was an Aladdin's cave of things to covert and wonder where one could fit them .....or afford them more to the point!

An art shop....like this style

Henrie Sie has a Gallery - open only a few hours a day - seemed to be closed most of the time! obviously off painting somewhere!
Here is something I found out about him ...
A southener, born in Toulouse in 1936 where he studied fine arts, Henri Sie discovered Saint Tropez 30 years ago. He was seduced and enchanted by the light and the colours of Provence, falling under the charm of the old village, he opened his gallery next to the church in 1987. An enthusiast of painting and music he showed his work at a salon in Paris and at 28 discovered he had a lyrical bariton voice. He was trained by the well known wagnerian singer.
so obviously multi talented.....!
his gallery tucked away in a charming side street......

the st Tropez lady in a hat on the Quay again....

above and below art found in the market ...... there were some really lovely pieces - very tempting ....

The film ' and god created Woman' was filmed on a beach near Brigit Bardots original home in the 60's in St Tropez. Her look is in vogue again and can be seen on fashion brand images and editorial shoots currently. Top model of the moment and David Walliam's fiance Lara Stone is a dead ringer for her. I will look into this more in my next blog post.....