a simple white top and black waist coat with big ear rings is a great look, the Ray Bans a must!
worn with the cut off jeans looks fab
1980s inspired denim all in one, like the nude leather ankle boots
these stylish St Tropez children look great in their head scalves and cute dresses, love the green Crocs the boy is wearing
white dress with a white a head scalf - so sweet-
focus on the girl in pink - this is how to wear a hat this summer
Check out the Polo gear - ( Polo is big in st Tropez) man in white trousers, girl in short white dress with matching shorts, straw hat and ankle boots - love the capacious bag she is carrying
love the crochet waist coat she is wearing - note the leather belt -
more head scalves, a coordinated couple looks cool
check out the panama hat and white sun glasses - saw these a few times on people- very 80s - love it
flower print top and jeans, like the wide set belt worn with it -
white linen, seen alot
Another coordinated couple - love it - so simple and chic....