Molly the Art Director had a very clear idea of what she wanted for her shot as part of the group's narrative vision. 'Less is more' was required. All the women represented and styled in white on this editorial are strong and independent, in tune with their own style. This was image was shot at 11am in the morning on a very hot day. The sky was this blue ( my iphone took this !) not a cloud in the sky with a cool gusty breeze that ebbed and flowed across the urban landscape onto our elevated terrace at CSM in inner City Kings Cross London. Photographer Kim Watson's technical know how with his assistant Ben Hay was essential inorder to get this shot and manipulate the harsh shadows caused by the over bright conditions. A hazy day would have been more perfect for the shoot. However the shadows we have here added to the drama of the image. Standing on a box grecian goddess like Maya created the look Molly wanted perfectly.

Tethering made it easy for the Art director to see the images as it was shot to give feed back when required. |
Siobhan Drew created Molly's Make-up and hair look following the Art Directors directions perfectly. |
The Results
© Schelay McCarter - Fashiontent pls credit |